Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Up in Canada...

"One source for some good information is - they are based in the States, but do some really good work on healthcare quality and safety that is used worldwide.

Big issues in healthcare are around timely access, system navigation and quality and patient safety. As a system, regardless of where, we have tended to focus on process measures (wait times, number of surgeries or nursing visits or home support hours of care etc.) Little on patient outcomes, quality measures or quality improvement cultures."
Katie Hill, Leader Home and Community Care Planning and Development, British Columbia Interior Health Authority

So these are the issues that are focussed on in Health care when accessibility due to economic situation is not really a big issue. This, to me, is a good thing. Another topic of interest to me in this field is prevention. I know in Canada with an aging population and a gigantic rate of retirement among health care workers there is a lot of focus on how to keep people healthy in the first place rather then making a yet more efficient delivery system which often overlooks the immediate needs of patients in their haste to get them moved on and free up the bed for the next person.

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